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Biblical Hebrew Study Group
For those who have completed the Biblical Hebrew course or its equivalent, we invite you to join a weekly Biblical Hebrew study group with Rabbi Dr. Moster.

Quick Facts
・Text: Readings from דְבָרִים/Deuteronomy
・Goal: Translate on our own
・Everyone reads one or more verses
・No formal lecture
・Dates: 12 Mondays beginning January 8, 2024
・Time: 11am ET/ 8am PT/ 2am AEST
・Length: 1 hour 15 minutes
・Study with friends and have fun
・Don't worry if you're rusty: we will review every word together
・Preparation is encouraged but not necessary
・Pay what you wish. Some financial assistance is available.
Member - $360
Supporter - $900 ($540 donation)
Sustainer - $1800 ($1,440 donation)
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